Lidl Roscrea sponsors Roscrea Girls Rugby.
The return to competitive Girls rugby this year to Roscrea RFC was a hugely significant development for the club. It is just under 3 years since training for girls resumed in Roscrea after a long absence and in that time the club have experienced a huge increase in numbers and interest in the sport. The club now offers training and games for girls at u14s, u12s and u10s levels with players training from 7 to 13 years of age. This project has been overseen and orchestrated by Roscrea RFC girl’s rugby coordinator Ciara Maher. The level of effort and commitment on her part has drawn much appreciation and admiration locally and at the start of the season this culminated with Lidl Roscrea coming onboard to proudly support Girls Rugby at the club. In conjunction with Denis Moloney of Moloney Sports Roscrea, Lidl has sponsored and subsidised training kits and gear for the players. Such is their interest and acknowledgment of the great work being done, they have also committed to providing girls rugby with backpacking dates for fundraising and offered a supply of refreshments for the clubhouse at training sessions and girls home rugby games. Lidl Roscrea Deputy Store manager Adrian Cleary and his work colleague Sandra Hogan recently invited the Coaches and players to the Roscrea Lidl store for a photo shoot and presentation. Club President Brendan Hyland also attended the ceremony and expressed his delight and appreciation for their support of girls rugby in Roscrea.