Our Mission
The principal objective of Roscrea RFC is to promote the game of rugby in a fun, friendly and safe environment through the spirit of integrity, excellence, inclusivity and respect for all!


Roscrea RFC coach to take on midlands girls league coordinator roll.
With the plans for the forthcoming 2021/22 season well under way, the Leinster midlands committee has announced that Roscrea RFC girls rugby coordinator Ciara Maher
May 17, 2021
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Maher to stay in current role for 2021/2022 season
The Roscrea RFC management committee was recently delighted to announce that current Roscrea RFC senior team head coach John Maher will be staying on in
May 17, 2021
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Ravens Return!
The Ravens girls u14s and u16s recently returned to the pitch for an enjoyable first run out in 8 months. With current government guidelines allowing
May 4, 2021
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