After a 10-year break, women’s rugby will soon return to Roscrea RFC in the form of Tag Rugby. Scheduled to begin on Wednesday, March 18th at 8pm, training will commence with an initiation evening, welcoming any prospective players interested in taking part. This excellent sporting opportunity is aimed at any ladies over the age of 18 interested in what has been described as Fun, Friends and Fitness by Roscrea RFC girl’s coordinator Ciara Maher. There has already been a hugely positive reaction to the proposed introduction of Ladies Tag Rugby at the club with many former female Roscrea players signing up as well as a lot of interest from those who are new to the sport. The main difference between Tag and Regular Rugby is that Tag is totally non-contact, the emphasis is on agility, speed and movement. This has already proved hugely popular at other clubs just for the fitness element alone, not to mention the enjoyment and recreational benefits.
The addition of ladies Tag Rugby will mark another important point in the growth of Girls rugby at the club which only returned to Roscrea RFC as recently as 2017. The Ladies Tag rugby will be an excellent addition to the Girls u14, u12s and u10s teams currently training and playing at the club. Training will be organised by Roscrea Girls Coaches Ciara Maher and Colette Hogan with Roscrea RFC Director of Rugby Robert Dempsey joining them for coaching sessions.
All that you need to take part is gum shields, boots or runners and a sense of adventure.
For more info contact Ciara on 087 2024936 or Colette on 087 6666603