It seems like a very long time ago since last seasons rugby was prematurely cut short by the the unprecedented circumstances that unfolded and changed our lives immeasurably. Although the situation with Covid 19 is still very much ongoing, we are now fortunately at a point where we can start planning a return to rugby at our club. We will be following a carefully designed return to play road map as directed by our governing body the IRFU. As part of this directive, the clubs management committee have appointed 2 Covid safety Officers to implement and facilitate the necessary structural and administrative changes necessary for the club to start allowing teams to return to training. Former girls minis coach Serena Cooper Brady and last seasons Senior team manager Enda Maher will take on the crucial roles of Club covid officers. The club would like to thank Serena and Enda for taking on these crucial roles. They are tasked with implementing and facilitating the return to training roadmap. In doing so every coach, player and team will be able to get back to training and playing in a safe and orderly fashion. Safety is the priority above everything else and this will be the main focus during the gradual reopening of the club. We ask all members, players and volunteers to follow the guidelines and protocols which will be in place.

While the club management committee and the appointed covid safety officers are coordinating the efforts to allow a safe and organised return to training, there is still a good deal of behind the scenes work being done to plan for the forthcoming season. Roscrea director of rugby Robert Dempsey has been busy building the coaching roster for the 2020/21.

Robert Dempsey
With coaches already installed in most age groups with others confirmation pending. The club is always looking for new and interested parties to help out and openly welcome any approach from parents or past players who feel that they can give some time to a fulfilling and worthy project.
The club is delighted to have been able to invest in some crucial maintenance machinery over the summer thanks to a grant from the North Tipperary Leader company. A new tractor and mowing attachment have been procured and will provide dedicated Roscrea RFC groundsman Aidan Kenneally with a far more efficient and reliable form of grass management than was previously available.

Also in picture Chairman of Tipperary county council Michael Smith, James Marks of Club finance committee and Club President Brendan Hyland.
Like any sporting organisation, funding is essential for the upkeep and normal day to day running of the club. The absence of the regular and popular club Joker draw during the lock down has meant that the club has been unable to rely on this crucial source of income. The Roscrea RFC club management committee has put forward the request for all club members to pay their membership before the season starts where possible. this would help immensely in keeping our club on a sound financial footing.