The Joe Dempsey Player’s player of the year trophy.
The Player’s player of the year trophy is an award that has hugely significant meaning to the Roscrea RFC senior players and the club in general. It bares the name of a former club legend and stalwart Joe Dempsey who passed away in 2018. It is presented in recognition of a player that reflects all the finest traits of Joe, honesty, dedication and perhaps most poignantly, an unwavering commitment to the club and their fellow players. Each year a committee made up of Senior team management select a group of nominees who they believe have excelled not just on the pitch but on the training ground and as representatives of the club. All those chosen are worthy of the award. Picking a single winner is never easy, but when one is chosen, they become the standard bearer for the club.
These are the 6 nominees
Previous winner, Ger Stone (2018/2019)
Robert Dempsey, Roscrea RFC Director of Rugby Presents The Joe Dempsey Player’s Player of the year award. Enjoy!