29 October 2019
Message from Brendan Hyland, President, Roscrea RFC
Welcome to all our members for the 2019/20 season.
All teams have done well so far this season and to date the club has 100% success record.
Our senior squad has had great numbers turning out for training. John Maher, our head
coach, is doing a wonderful job encouraging all the players. We are also very lucky to have
Ray Maloney assisting in backs coaching on Friday nights. It is a delight to see the
improved ball handling skills of all players and the wonderful expansive style of rugby being
played by the team.
The under 18s, under the stewardship of Dave Pearson, are showing great promise. It is
heartening to see growing numbers of youths and minis turning out to train, play and enjoy
the game.
Also, there is an ever-increasing number of girls turning out to play. Many thanks to Ciara
Maher, Paul Davey, Serena Cooper for spear-heading this growing section of our club.
Our thanks go to all parents, helpers and coaches who have turned out in all weathers to
assist and ensure our younger members are enjoying themselves. More coaches are
needed, especially for our under-15s age group. Anybody interested should speak to Keith
Wallace, who will guide you through the process of becoming a qualified coach.
Registration and payment of membership must now be done online through our new Club
Force app. Please go to the Roscrea Rugby Club website.
The new system will accurately record membership and assist the club in co-ordinating and
communicating with members, teams and coaches. If you have not joined yet, please do so
as soon as possible.
The club has a proud history of providing some of Leinster’s great referees. This year
Norman Carter represents our club as president of the Leinster Referee’s Society. Well
done Norman!
However, we constantly need to recruit new referees into the game. Anybody interested
should contact our secretary, Terry Farrelly, or any of our coaches.
Remember that the sport is not all about winning but learning how to enjoy the game, make
friends and be a good team player.
Brendan Hyland
October 2019